Breed of cat, environment and genetics are the three most significant factors to influence the aging process and life expectancy of your beloved feline. While a cat's life expectancy will change depending upon the contribution made by each one of these variables, a well-cared for house cat ought to live to at least the age of fifteen. It's not unheard of, however, for a cat to live perhaps even longer and there are records of pet cats living to the distinguished, gray-haired age of thirty! Just like humans, cats live the longest on a high-quality nutritious eating plan. As cats grow older, their nutritional needs change and it's really important to feed them an appropriately balanced diet. Regardless of the recent scare regarding contaminated cat food made with ingredients imported from China, nearly all domestic cat food brands are now considered safe. These are readily available in a variety of formulations corresponding to specific phases in a cat's life and are generally well liked by cats. If you're concerned about food safety, you can always make you own cat food at home. No matter if you pick a national brand or make your own food, it's important not to overfeed your pet so it can maintain a healthy and balanced body weight. Human beings and cats have other things in common, as well. Physical exercise is part of a healthy life style for both cats and people. One way to keep your cat healthy and fit is to allow it some time outside each and every day. Indoors, give your cat a scratching post and a selection of playthings. Setting aside some time to have fun with your pet cat every day is an excellent way to improve your own quality of life and provide your cat the exercise it needs to stay healthy. Another method to help a cat live longer originally came as a unexpected surprise to me. Just before signing off, Bob Barker, the ex - host of the Price is Right, the well known television game show, used to remind his viewers to spay or neuter their cats. Although Barker's motivation was most likely to help reduce the number of wayward cats and dogs wandering the streets of L.A., it turns out that spaying or neutering your cat may actually boost its life span. Although the data on this don't lie, it's not precisely obvious why the concept works. Some believe a fixed cat will remain much closer to home, minimizing its vulnerability to disease and other hazards. Don't forget, a good relationship with a qualified veterinarian is a must should your cat ever is in need of the care of a veterinarian. Periodic trips to the veterinarian, even if there's no urgent reason, can extend the life of your cat by many happy years. As a result, make the effort to locate a veterinarian close to you. Friends or family members can sometimes make a suggestion, but if you've recently moved or don't know another cat owner you can turn to, check your on-line yellow pages for a directory of certified vets where you live. Pet Article courtesy of
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